Reading Notes: Lakshmi's Secret Part F

- Living seeks food and the death doesn't. Food is the fundamental need in the life
- Lakshmi is the embodiment of food
- Everyone comes for food. Food does not come to you
- Elephant is associated with water
- Lakshimi is the daughter of asura
- Her connection with asura comes from the fear of materialism
- Devas action favors humanity. Opposite of asura
- Shukra is the presentation of creativity and bring back dead asuras
- Vasant navratri is the goddess worship of spring and sharad navratri is the goddess worship of autumn
- It says Lakshmi is the wife of Indra, but in the comments it says she is the wife of Vishnu. I don't know who is right
- Rich is never feeling secured about their possessions. They constantly fear people around them
- Lakshmi favors man of action
- She is kidnapped by Ravana. Guessing that make her the wife of Vishnu since Rama is the reincarnation of Vishnu and his wife is the reincarnation of Vishnu's wife
- Ganesha's from evokes Lakshmi. She is seen normally next to Ganesha. They present abundance and affulence
- When Indra threw the flower in the ground and elephants step over them, Lakshmi leaves him because he disrespected her
- When the war between Indra and asuras end, Lakshmi rise over the ocean of milk
- Shiva withdraws himself from society to grow but Vishnu intervenes himself to grow
- Vishnu can guide human to their potential
- Vishnu becomes the caretaker of the earth cow thats why he reincarnates himself to kill any greedy kings
- He does not own Sita. Which can be seen as disturbing or free


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