Reading Notes: Saraswati's Secret Part G

- Experts saying that Sarasvati dried up. People don't know if its referring to the actual river or symbolic language
- Saraswati is considered to be the first creation of Brahma
- Brahma falls in love with his daughter
- This symbolically represents creators obsessions with his creation
- Shatarupa becomes Saraswati's teacher after Brahma reflects his inner self
- Absence of Brahma temple shows that people left their old ways, which was focused on materialism
- Brahma is often linked with Saraswati to complete the triad of male and females
- Saraswati is often portrayed alone and remains calm unlike other goddesss
- Sharada becomes another way to represent Saraswati
- Saraswati was based on Tara, Buddhist goddess
- In Buddhism, women was seen as negative image
- Saraswati is closely connected with music and literature
- Lakshmi became a goddess who entraps with pleasure and Saraswati became who liberates with wisdom
- Saraswati never stays with Lakshmi
- Saraswati is the representation of human imagination
- Quest to identify one self also comes from Saraswati
- Keeping wealth as Vedic keepers were difficult


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